Taxonomy of Privacy infographic

After the success of our Categories of Personal Information infographic, Enterprivacy Consulting Group is publishing this Taxonomy of Privacy issues infographic. The taxonomy is taken from Dan Solove’s seminal paper […]

New open workshop announced

Enterprivacy Consulting Group will be putting on a new Strategic Privacy by Design workshop  in Atlanta on October 24th. Participants may sign up for the half day (which includes all […]

Categories of Personal Information

I was looking around a few months ago for a good list of categories of personal information but couldn’t come up with anything I found that was comprehensive enough. Everyone […]

Privacy by Design workshop

Enterprivacy Consulting Group’s Privacy by Design workshop is a half day or one day workshop to help companies build privacy considerations into their product offerings. The half day workshop consists […]

Embedding Privacy By Design

December 5, 2016 – Enterprivacy Consulting Group principal Privacy and Trust Consultant R. Jason Cronk provides Privacy by Design guidance through an recorded webinar with the International Association of Privacy […]

2015: the year in data privacy

As part of our collaboration with the Collaborista Blog, we posted a blog about Data Privacy Day, held every January 28th. Read more at

CSA Congress and the Privacy Academy

Last month, Enterprivacy Consultant Jason Cronk attended the CSA Congress and the Privacy in San Jose. It was a historic event with the Cloud Security Alliance and the IAPP recognizing […]